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Here are  photos of Piper's first Easter, along with some fun Springtime action shots.  


Happy Spring from Piper!

spring dress.JPG (52148 bytes)  sofa bunny.JPG (55403 bytes)  easter dress1.JPG (95151 bytes)  pez.JPG (60519 bytes)  pez inspection.JPG (63724 bytes)

tulips.JPG (142763 bytes)  crawl.JPG (51306 bytes)  crawlsmile.JPG (55570 bytes)  easter sleevless.JPG (48972 bytes)

taco.JPG (75826 bytes)  milford green.JPG (83252 bytes)  reading.JPG (68130 bytes)  crib.JPG (64206 bytes)

Next Photo Update: Memorial Day Weekend!




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