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Piper's First Autumn

        Piper has had lots of fun in October and September.  Here are some photos from her Fall adventures.

Minnie.JPG (32919 bytes)  pat minnie.JPG (35981 bytes)  p gym minnie lynn formatted.JPG (27166 bytes)  p gym group formatted.JPG (29649 bytes)

P pumpkin crawl formatted.JPG (35063 bytes)  p pumpkin stand small.JPG (30764 bytes)  p pumpkin trio formatted.JPG (37169 bytes)  p lynn minnie.JPG (30280 bytes)  p pops ginny.JPG (34735 bytes)

P stryper formatted.JPG (48152 bytes)  p king cobra formatted.JPG (39172 bytes)  gymboree circle.JPG (30619 bytes)  gymboree lynn.JPG (24725 bytes)  Glen Kay Dan Formatted.JPG (39946 bytes)





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